
Assortiment brood

We make around 60 different types of bread daily. We bake them every day with lots of love and passion.

Bakkerij Vreugdenhil banket assortiment

Pastries, birthday cakes, luxury tarts, and our specialty: marzipan cake. Every day is a celebration with the delights from our pastry chefs.

Assortiment seizoensproducten
Seasonal products

At Bakery Vreugdenhil, every holiday brings different products. From Easter and Mother’s Day to Sinterklaas and Christmas, we keep varying our assortment, which makes our craft even more enjoyable.

Assortiment chocolade

With chocolate, our creative chocolatiers craft unique and delicious creations. How about a Westland greenhouse made of chocolate, for example? 

Brood assortiment Bakkerij Vreugdenhil